福岡市 写真

Welcome to Fukuoka city !

Fukuoka city has been the 'startup city' since 2012.
Our goal is to collaborate with entrepreneurs from all over the world to establish businesses without borders.
All you need is right here!

Startup Station

Our shared dreams are borderless !

貿易業界で経験を積み30歳で独立起業。以来、化粧品の海外マーケティングに従事しております。 輸出実績は中国や香港をはじめとするアジア諸国にはじまり北欧や北米へ。 さらに、ドバイ政府公認の下、中東市場に力を入れております。

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Product Focus

Sake is called “the best of all medicines” and has long been known to make hands look beautiful.

JUNMAI-SHU is fermented rice, also known as sake, made according to ancient brewing techniques and without added sugars to accelerate fermentation.

The result is pure, concentrated rice essence packed with skin lightening and moisturizing nutrients.

VIEVIC COSMETICS features the all natural, effective ingredients of pure JUNMAI-SHU.